Stars have been actively speaking up for the same on X


Ushna Shah and Osman Khalid Butt are continuing to rally for the Palestinian cause, tackling opposition and amplifying stories coming out of Palestine. The stars, who have been actively speaking up for freedom in Palestine are continuing to oppose the ongoing Israeli barbarity.

Quoting a post on X that stated, “You say Zionist like it’s an insult!,” Osman said, “Because it is, you imbecile. It is a colonialist, racist movement responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.” In response to Piers Morgan sharing an image depicting the extent of destruction in Palestine, wherein he added, “Israel deliberately bombing Gaza’s largest refugee camp, even if a Hamas commander was there, is outrageous and indefensible,” Osman said, “Welcome to the right side of history.”

He followed up the post by saying, “I’m sorry that this came off as an endorsement of Piers. Like Jordan Peterson lamenting the loss of his Muslim followers (after his tweet promoting genocide), I’m sure this was motivated less by standing up for what is right, and more as a form of engagement bait.”

Similarly, Ushna has been vocal about the cause, which she believes is her calling, as per her conversation with The Express Tribune. Taking to the site formerly known as Twitter, Ushna wrote, “Imagine what would happen if every single person on this planet, who deep down knows that this is genocide in the name of ethnic cleansing and land usurping, grew a spine. Imagine the difference it would make.”


She continued, “Imagine if every consumer, employee, artist, filmmaker, moviegoer, influencer, person with purchasing power, and politician who understood that this is a wrong they should never compromise on, decided they would not stay silent and do nothing. I am not talking about the ones committing the genocide and profiting off of it, or those with genuine Zionist beliefs. I am talking about everyone else who stays silent. Imagine the difference it would make!”

Furthermore, she shared a post by singer Lauren Jauregui. The musician penned, “A reminder: I’m not being brave. I’m doing the bare minimum being asked of people in the US right now: to spread awareness and bear witness to the flagrant war crimes and the genocide and resilience of the Palestinian people. Also, to hold our elected officials accountable for their role in aiding and abetting these crimes. You know who’s brave? Bisan. Plestia. Motaz.”

She continued to highlight, “The children under rubble still praying that someone finds them. The orphaned children. The displaced. The maimed. The critically ill. The pregnant women. The refugees. The men digging people out of ruins. The political prisoners. The people who survived the white phosphorus bombing. The people witnessing horror every day and being denied basic necessities and their right to even tell their truth. The doctors continuing to take care of their patients despite constant fear of attack and lack of resources. The journalists risking their and their families’ lives to tell the truth. The human rights lawyers and academics losing their jobs for speaking truth to power. That’s bravery.” Ushna agreed with the post sharing how this is the “bare minimum” as she wrote, “What she said” after quoting the same on X.

In addition to this, Ushna also quoted a post by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who spoke about “condemning Hamas.” The star added, “Why is condemning Hamas a prefix to having any sympathy for innocent civilians murdered in genocide?” In her own post, she said, “I’ll condemn Hamas the minute you condemn decades of illegal occupation and apartheid, murder of countless innocent civilians prior to October 7th, an exodus of a country into the world’s most populated and largest open-air prison. Condemn that first! We are NOT belittling the souls butchered and displaced by this genocide by condemning Hamas in the same breath that we mention them. We are not catering to your entitlement and your supremacist ego.”

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