The secondary education sys­tem in Pakistan is unfortunate­ly at an abysmal stage. The system, which is supposed to equip stu­dents with skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and commu­nication, is reduced to promoting just rote learning and cramming.

Being a teacher, I discovered that the students are currently more confused and uncertain as com­pared to the past. They study their subjects in a language (English) they cannot understand. With a few exceptions, they are incapable of reading the English text fluent­ly, let alone making sentences on their own. Even if they have

under­stood the concept of the topic in the book, they cannot make Eng­lish sentences to jot down what they have understood. Sitting si­lently and listening to lectures does not interest them, as they are more concerned with important lines marked by teachers on books that they need to memorise.

This grim situation is very alarm­ing and is gradually eviscerating the very essence of our education­al system. There can be two solu­tions: gradual phasing out of Eng­lish language from the syllabus or reforming the elementary and pri­mary education systems to bet­ter equip students with necessary skills (including English language). The former solution is not free of consequences, and the latter one has not been given due consider­ation. The authorities must priori­tise reforming the elementary and primary systems, as the whole te­net of education is based on them. For this, both willingness and re­sources are required.


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