Actor has had it with people reaching out to strike ‘deals’

Mariyam Nafees has had enough. The actor recently took to her Instagram Stories to reveal how she was being pestered by numerous people who were reaching out to strike inappropriate deals with her, based on the sickening assumption that because she is in the media industry, anything flies.

Mariyam first shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation, wherein a random number messaged her saying they had seen her at the LUX Style Awards. Asking if she could spare a few moments, the unknown individual asked to “plan for a meeting.” When asked what it was for, they responded, “For some personal time. You can name the amount.”

An angered Mariyam responded to the individual saying, “Bet your mom is ashamed to have a child like you.” Chiding the person by calling them a “swine,” she told them that not every woman can be bought. She posted the screen grab on her Story, stating “Married or not – this never stops! Actresses are not prostitutes!” In another screenshot, she shared details of the individual – number, name, and all – and said, “I fully plan on exposing them all!”


In yet another screenshot, the star was seen conversing with someone on Facebook Messenger, wherein the person who approached her was seen talking about “political level parties and bold shoots.” To this, Mariyam said, “Go pimp somewhere else!” She shared the screenshot on her Instagram Story and asked, “Is everyone doing the same thing?”

Given that people had “a lot of questions and opinions” on her screenshots, the star put up a question tab on Instagram to clarify her stance to her audience. One person asked if she had tracked any of the culprits down. To this, she revealed, “Pimps and [debauchees] apparently! Previously some of them apologised after getting exposed. Yes, my ‘people’ are tracking them down.”

Another Instagram user sent in a note of appreciation for Mariyam. “It’s not about being an actress. It’s being a female. And I am proud of you for being a woman. Stay strong,” they sent in. Mariyam responded by saying, “Thank you! Yes, the ones who are not actresses go through this too and no matter what people say – I’ll expose them. Every. Single. Time.”

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