Fruitful Conversation with Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Esa at Inclusive symposium of Justice

CJP honorable justice qazi faez esa was chief guest of honor at symposium

Islamabad Report (Muhammad Daniyal Chief Correspondent Daily Relation Times )UN women Pakistan award the HE for SHE award war awarded to honorable chief justice of Pakistan, honorable justice mansoor ali shah  ,DG Mr. syed hayat ali Shah FJA .

Speaking at the three day regional inclusive symposium the honorable justice of Pakistan emphasized that the constitution of Pakistan mandates women’s representation across all the sectors of life. The main rights discussed in panel ensures equal treatment emphasizing that women not only enters the national assembly through reserved seats but also win elections and wins parliamentarians .

Law of inheritance was discussed among the panels honorable CJP said Male members of society should respect women rights as per quranic teachings and should not violate the  women rights which are described in holy quran and also violation of land of the law should not be done to woman.

The symposium was attended by her excellency EU ambassador to Pakistan Doctor Riina Kionka , Sharmila Rasool the country representative for UN in Pakistan , International delegates justices and judges from east Asian countries Nepal and Sri Lanka , Thailand Malaysia and Maldives , Philippines and other countries , District Judiciary , judges for special courts participants and federal judiciary academy team. The event concluded with presentation of souvenirs among the chief guests of the events UN Women Pakistan all panelist, and FJA Team

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